fungi mushrooms mycology the fifth kingdom

Pictorial supplement to The Fifth Kingdom - Chapter 22

Poisonous and Hallucinogenic Mushrooms  

  (30 pictures)

22 -1 Amanita phalloides.jpg (5664 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - a Slovak poster warning about Amanita phalloides (death cap) - source of the deadly amanitins. This fungus was found on Vancouver Island for the first time in 1998.

22-2 toxic Amanitas.jpg (7175 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - German cartoon of robber Amanita spp. - "Your money and your life."

22-3 Galerina autumnalis.jpg (3412 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - Galerina autumnalis - amanitins

22-4 Gyromitra esculenta.jpg (5156 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - Gyromitra esculenta - gyromitrin, monomethylhydrazine

22-6 Cortinarius orellanoides.jpg (9042 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - Cortinarius orellanoides - orellanine

22-7 Coprinus atramentarius.jpg (7809 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - Coprinus atramentarius - coprine

22-9 Inocybe lanuginella.jpg (12288 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - Inocybe lanuginella - muscarine.

22-10 Inocybe fastigiata.jpg (8485 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - Inocybe fastigiata - muscarine.

22-11 Clitocybe dealbata.jpg (8247 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - Clitocybe dealbata - muscarine.

22-12 Amanita muscaria.jpg (10539 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - Amanita muscaria - ibotenic acid/muscimol.

22-13 Amanita muscaria2.jpg (21337 bytes)
a charming rendition of A. muscaria as the fly agaric, by the French artist M. Sabatier.

22-14 Soma book.jpg (8224 bytes)
 ...quite a billing to live up to!  Does Amanita muscaria really have such awesome qualities?  I don't recommend that you experiment.

22-15 Amanita fresco.jpg (6381 bytes)
Amanita muscaria portrayed as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in an old fresco at the Abbaye de Plaincourault, Mérigny, France.

22-16 mushroom trip painting.jpg (14250 bytes)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms - an artist's impression of the magic mushroom phenomenon (psilocybin)

22-17 magic mushroom guide.jpg (6101 bytes)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms - the cover of a guide to growing magic mushrooms - psilocybin.

22-18 magic mushrooms growing.jpg (9193 bytes)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms - a picture from the book above...of young Psilocybe cubensis (Strophariaceae) - psilocybin...

22-19 magic mushrooms mature.jpg (5841 bytes)
...and another, of mature Psilocybe cubensis - psilocybin..

22-20 magic mushrooms dried.jpg (5234 bytes)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms - dried magic mushrooms, as found 'on the street' - psilocybin.

22-21 curandera.jpg (7008 bytes)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms - a Mexican curandera administering the sacrament of the mushrooms

22-22 Panaeolus.jpg (13463 bytes)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms - Panaeolus foenisecii - psilocybin.

22-23 Gymnopilus.jpg (6913 bytes)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms - Gymnopilus spectabilis  (big laughing Gym) - psilocybin.

22-24 hallucinogenic agarics.jpg (37042 bytes)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms - a pictorial survey of some magic mushrooms - psilocybin.

22-25 mushroom stones.jpg (5948 bytes)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms - mushroom stones from Guatemala.

22-26 Alice and the caterpillar.gif (11093 bytes)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms - Alice meets the caterpillar...who gives her some of his magic mushroom (illustration by Tenniel)...

22-27 Alice sculpture.jpg (8684 bytes)
Hallucinogenic mushrooms - Alice in Wonderland bronze mushroom sculpture in Central Park, New York.

22-28 hallucinogenic puffballs.jpg (7421 bytes)
Hallucinogenic puffballs - psilocybin?

22-29 Boletus satanas.jpg (6175 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - Boletus satanas - unspecified GI toxins

22-30 Boletus splendidus.jpg (8609 bytes)
Poisonous mushrooms - Boletus splendidus - unspecified GI toxins.

22-31 mushroom chocolates1.jpg (6398 bytes)
mushroom chocolates represented on box as Agaricus...

22-32 mushroom chocolates2.jpg (7894 bytes)
...but as Amanita inside. Caveat emptor, caveat mycophagist!

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