fungi mushrooms mycology the fifth kingdom

Pictorial supplement to The Fifth Kingdom - Chapter 5b

Subphylum Basidiomycotina - part 2

Class Holobasidiomycetes

Orders: Exobasidiales, Dacrymycetales, Aphyllophorales 
(35 illustrations)

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Exobasidiales - Exobasidium attacking leaves of a Vaccinium (Ericaceae).
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Dacrymycetales - Dacrymyces fruiting on rotten wood.
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Dacrymycetales - basidiomata of Guepiniopsis chrysocomus.

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Dacrymycetales - "tuning fork" basidia of Dacrymyces at various stages of development.
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Aphyllophorales - Corticiaceae - resupinate (spread out) basidioma of Byssocorticium on dead bark
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Aphyllophorales - Corticiaceae - Osteomorpha anamorph. Clamped (and therefore dikaryotic) hyphae are breaking up across the clamps into thallic-arthric conidia
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Aphyllophorales - Corticiaceae - blastic-sympodial anamorph of Sistotrema (SEM).
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Aphyllophorales - Thelephoraceae - basidiomata of Thelephora terrestris, an ectomycorrhizal species common in tree nurseries.
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Aphyllophorales - Clavariaceae - Clavariadelphus truncatus
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Aphyllophorales - Clavariaceae - Clavulinopsis fusiformis
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Aphyllophorales - Clavariaceae - Ramaria aurea
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Aphyllophorales - Clavariaceae - Ramaria araiospora var. rubella.
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Aphyllophorales - Cantharellaceae - Cantharellus cibarius, the chanterelle
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Aphyllophorales - Cantharellaceae - Cantharellus tubaeformis
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Aphyllophorales - Cantharellaceae - Sparassis crispa
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Aphyllophorales - Cantharellaceae - Craterellus cornucopioides, the horn of plenty.
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Aphyllophorales - Cantharellaceae - Gomphus floccosus.
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Aphyllophorales - Coniophoraceae - Serpula lacrymans, the 'dry rot' fungus.


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Aphyllophorales - Hydnaceae - Hericium caput-ursi, the wood urchin.
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Aphyllophorales - Hydnaceae - Dentinum repandum, the sweet tooth.
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Aphyllophorales - Hydnaceae - Hydnellum, one of the stipitate (stalked) hydnaceae. Unlike Dentinum, the hydnellums have a tough, corky or woody consistency.
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Aphyllophorales - Hydnaceae - Sarcodon scabrosum.
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Aphyllophorales - Schizophyllaceae - Schizophyllum commune, the 'split gill'
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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae - perennating basidiomata of Ganoderma applanatum.

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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae - tube mouths seen from below.
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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae - transverse section of tubes: the hymenium is stained light blue.
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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae - three-year-old basidioma of Ganoderma applanatum with three tube layers.
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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae - large specimen of Ganoderma applanatum (almost 1 metre across)
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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae - large basidioma of Bridgeoporus (Oxyporus) nobilissimus.

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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae - edible basidiomata of Laetiporus sulphureus, the sulphur shelf.
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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae -  Heterobasidion annosum, a serious tree parasite
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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae - a conidiophore of the Spiniger anamorph of Heterobasidion annosum. The conidia have all seceded, but one developed at the tip of each spine (blastic-synchronous) (SEM).
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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae - the Ptychogaster anamorph of Trametes. Note the   alternate-arthric conidia. (SEM)
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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae - cubical brown rot  (only cellulose assimilated)

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Aphyllophorales - Polyporaceae - white rot (both cellulose and lignin degraded)

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