Date of Birth: 3 December 1933


    B.Sc. (Honours.) University of Liverpool    1955

    Ph.D. University of Liverpool                        1958

    D.Sc. University of Liverpool                        1980

Academic Awards and distinctions:

    U.K. Science Council Senior Visiting Scholarship 1974

    Guggenheim Fellowship 1979

    Distinguished Visiting Scholar, University of Adelaide 1979

    Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada 1981

    Distinguished Research Fellow, Foundation for Research Development, South Africa 1990

    Visiting Fellow, Foundation for Research Development, South Africa. 1992

    Sir. C.V. Raman Visiting Professorship, University of Madras. 1993

    Biographee in "Who's Who in America", "Who's Who in the West", "Canadian Who's Who" 
    "International Who's Who in Education", "American Men and Women of Science",

     "Dictionary of International Biography"

    Hon. Secretary, Academy of Science, Royal Society of Canada 1985-1991

    Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo 1995

    Distinguished Mycologist Award, Mycological Society of America 1995

    Centenary Fellow, British Mycological Society 1996

    Lawson Medal, Canadian Botanical Association 2001


1958-1959 N.R.C. Post-Doctoral Fellow, Plant Research Inst., Ottawa

1959-1965 Research Officer, Plant Research Inst., Ottawa

1965-1966 Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo

1966-1971 Associate Professor, University of Waterloo

1971-1994 Full Professor, University of Waterloo

1985-1993 Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs, University of Waterloo

1994 - Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo

1994-  Adjunct Professor, University of Waterloo

1994-  Adjunct Professor, University of Victoria, Environmental Sciences

2004-  Technical Advisor, Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Reston, Virginia.

1. Research Grants Held 1991-2008: Amount Tenure

NSERC Operating Grant (5-year) $17,325 1998-2004

NSERC Operating Grant (1-year) $20,000 1997-98

NSERC Operating Grant (third instalment) $35,000 1996-97

NSERC Operating Grant (second instalment) $35,000 1995-96

NSERC Operating Grant (first instalment) $45,000 1994-95

NSERC Operating Grant (third instalment) $89,320 1993-94

NSERC Publication Grant $12,000 1992

NSERC Operating Grant (second instalment) $89,320 1992-93

Risk Research Institute Grant $7,200 1992-93

NSERC Operating Grant (first instalment) $89,320 1991-92

GFS Research Grant $60,000  (with P. Kroeger and O. Ceska) 2008

2. Graduate Students supervised; degree; year of graduation; topic:

(1) Cole, G.T. Ph.D. 1969     Developmental studies in Hyphomycetes.
(Full Professor at Univ. of Texas, Austin, now at Medical College of Ohio)

(2) Chang, G. M.Sc. 1970  Karyology of Conidiogenesis in Hyphomycetes.

(3) Nag Raj, T.R. Ph.D. 1970    A taxonomic study of Chalara and allied genera.
(Research Professor, Univ. of Waterloo, now retired)

(4) Hashmi, M.H. M.Sc. 1971   Karyological and ontogenetic studies in Hyphomycetes.

(5) Baerlocher, F. Ph.D. 1973   Hyphomycetes as intermediaries of energy flow in streams.
(now Full Professor at Mount Allison Univ., NB)

(6) Upadhyay, H.P. Ph.D. 1975   Taxonomy of Ceratocystis, Ophiostoma and their anamorphs.
(Full Professor at Federal University, Recife, Brazil, now retired)

(7) Kavelman, R. M.Sc. 1976   Degradation of synthetic polymers by fungi.

(8) Michaelides, J. M.Sc. 1978   Factors influencing colonization of conifer needles by amphibious fungi in streams.
(see 11 below)

(9) Berch, S.M. M.Sc. 1979   Endomycorrhizae of southern Ontario ferns and fern allies.
(Associate Prof. At UBC, now Research Scientist with BC Forestry, Victoria)

(10) DiCosmo, F. Ph.D. 1981   A revision of the Phacidiaceae and related anamorphs.
(now Full Professor at Univ. of Toronto)

(11) Michaelides. J. Ph.D. 1982   The importance of fungi in fresh and salt water systems.
(now Research scientist with Robin Hood Multifoods, Toronto)

(12) Jabaji-Hare, S.H. Ph.D. 1984   The effects of systemic fungicides on a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus.
(winner of Pearson Medal, now Professor at McGill Univ.)

(13) Fronda, A. M.Sc. 1984   The effects of two pesticides on aero-aquatic hyphomycetes

(14) Jones, B. M.Sc. 1986   Development and infectivity of conidial fungi with biocontrol potential.

(15) De la Bastide, P. M.Sc. 1988   Mycorrhization, growth and survival in Benomyl-treated Pinus strobus seedlings
(Post-doctoral fellow working on biological control at UVIC)

(16) Brundrett, M. Ph.D. 1988   The development of mycorrhizae and roots in a hardwood community.
(now Research Scientist with CSIRO, Australia, working on mycorrhizal fungi)

(17) Premdas, P. M.Sc. 1990   Bioassay for pesticides on water surfaces, using propagules of aero-aquatic fungi. 
(winner of the 1993 Weresub Award)

(18) Suripto, B.A. M. Sc. 1990   An examination of the generic concept in animals, plants and fungi.
(now Professor at Gadjah Mada Univ., Yogyakarta, Java)

(19) Klironomos, J. Ph.D. 1993   Interactions between VAM fungi, the soil fauna, and plants.
(now Professor at Univ. of BC, Okanagan)

(20) Li, De-Wei Ph.D. 1994   Indoor airborne fungal allergens and their relationship to respiratory allergies.
(formerly Professor at Olds College, AB, and Scientist at P&K, New Jersey, now Research Mycologist at Connecticut Agricultural Research Station)

(21) Gong, Xiandi M.Sc. 1994   Morphometric analysis of conidial fungi and development of a computer database.
(Ph.D. from Hong Kong)

(22) Neville, J. M.Sc. 1995   Computer analysis of generic and familial characters in the Agarics. 
(Now research scientist with Clayton Environmental, Michigan)

(23) Countess, R. M.Sc. 2001   Effects of clearcutting on macrofungal communities.
(Now studying Medicine)

(24) Roberts, Christine.  Ph.D. 2007   Russulas of Southern Vancouver Island Coastal Forests.
(Now independent mycological consultant).

3. Scholarly and Professional Achievements

(A) Papers, Lectures and Addresses

A selection of Oral Presentations: (A) Major Invited Papers

Mycological Society of Japan, Invited keynote address, Tokyo, May 2001

New Zealand Microbiology Society Conference, Guest Lecture, Auckland, May 1994.

South African Foundation for Research Development Prestige Lecture, Pretoria, June 1993

International Mycological Congress, Regensburg, 1990 - 3 invited lectures.

International Conference on Biology of the Ophiostomatales, Bad Windsheim, 1990 - 3 invited lectures.

Microbiological Congress, Stellenbosch, 1990 -- Plenary Lecture.

FON Annual Conference, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, 1988 -- Plenary Lecture.

International Conference: The Expanding Realm of Yeast-like Fungi, Amersfoort, Netherlands, 1987
 -- Yeasts and yeast-like fungi: new concepts and new techniques.

IUPAC Conf. on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, Pretoria, S. Africa, 1985 -- Plenary Lecture.

(B) Professional Seminars:

Malaspina University College, Nanaimo, BC

University of the Orange Free State (3) S. Africa

Forest Research Institute, Pietermaritzburg, S. Africa

University of Cape Town, S. Africa (2)

University of Stellenbosch, S. Africa

University of Fort Hare, S. Africa

University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, S. Africa (2)

Citrus Research Institute, Nelspruit, S. Africa

C.S.I.R., Pretoria, S. Africa

University of Pretoria, S. Africa

University of Durban Westville, S.Africa (2)

University of Auckland, New Zealand

(C) Other Presentations

Colorado Mycological Society 2000

Simon Fraser University 1999, 2000, 2001

UVIC 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003

Los Angeles Mycological Society 2002

Olympic Peninsula Mycological Society 2000

Oregon Mycological Society 1995, 1998, 2003

Puget Sound Mycological Society 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005(2), 2007

Breitenbush Mushroom Conference 1995 (2), 2000 (2)

San Francisco Mycological Society 1995, 2002

Santa Cruz Mycological Society 2002

Sonoma County Mycological Society 2002

South Vancouver Island Mycological Society 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2007

Vancouver Mycological Society 2004, 2008, 2010

4. Courses taught (between 1965 and 1994):

First year -- Introductory Biology (50%)
Biology for Engineers (100%)
Second Year -- An Evolutionary Survey of Fungi, Algae and Plants (50%)*
Man and the Oceans (50%)
3rd/4th year -- Mycology (100%) (taught in Algonquin Park)
Toxicology (20%)
Microbial Ecology (25%)
Forest Biology Field Course (40%)
Marine Biology Field Course (50%)
Coral Reef Ecology Field Course (50%)

5. Courses taught since 1994.

(A) Until 2003 I taught a Correspondence (Distance education) version of a course which was taken by students throughout Canada: B422 - Mycology.
Preparation of the correspondence courses involved writing a textbook, preparing a CD-ROM, making a set of audiotape lectures, and providing a cued set of several hundred colour transparencies as visual aids. Each course also requires the completion of 5 or 6 practical assignments. My textbook, "The Fifth Kingdom" which was written for the Correspondence version of Mycology, and is now available in a copiously illustrated CD-ROM version, is now used by several Universities in Canada, as well as many in the U.S.A., and most recently by several in South Africa, Italy, France, New Zealand and Australia. As an adjunct to the course, I built one of the largest mycological sites on the web ( I am currently instructing analysts at Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc. (Virginia, Georgia, Colorado). in mycology and mould identification.

(B) Graduate Mycology (100%) taught for UVIC at Bamfield in 1998.

(C) Aerobiology and Spore Identification - taught for Aerobiology Laboratory Associates. Virginia,  May 2008

6. Professional Activities

a) Member, NSERC "1967 Scholarships" Selection Committee, 1991

b) Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Botany, 1968-1981

c) Member, NSERC Plant Biology Grant Selection Committee,1976-1979 and 1985-1988

d) Chairman, NSERC Plant Biology Grant Selection Committee, 1978-1979

e) Member, NRC Visiting Committee to Canadian Forestry Schools, 1972

f) Concurrent Professor, Nanjing Forestry University 1987-

g) Associate Graduate Faculty, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Univ. of Guelph

h) Member, graduate student supervisory committees, Univ. of Toronto, U. of Guelph.

i) Reviewer of mss. for Mycologia, Can. J. Bot., Can. J. Microbiol., Mycotaxon, Mycopathologia (as of 2010).

j) Referee for NSF, Rockefeller Foundation, National Geographic Society.

k) External referee for promotion to full professor:

University of Western Ontario, 1977;

University of Oregon, 1978, 1981;

Memorial University, Nfld., 1980;

University of Basrah, 1982;

University of Minnesota, 1984;

University of Manitoba, 1985;

King Saud University, 1986.

l) External examiner for Ph.D.:

McGill, 1977;

La Trobe University, Melbourne, 1980;

University of Calgary, 1979, 1981;

Laval University, 1982, 1983;

University of Alberta, 1984;

University of Toronto, 1985;

University of Guelph, 1988;

University of Calgary, 1989;

Calcutta University, 1990;

University of the Orange Free State, 1990;

University of the Orange Free State, 1992;

University of the Orange Free State, 1993.

m) Translated German Mycology text into English -- English Edn publ. by Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.

n) Organized two International Conferences, Kananaskis I & II.

o) Edited books arising from those Conferences.

p) Rapporteur, Plant Biology Subject Division, Academy of Science, Royal Society of Canada, 1982-1984.

q) Convenor, Plant Biology Subject Division, Academy of Science, Royal Society of Canada, 1984-1985.

r) Chairman, Committee on Creationism and Evolution, Academy of Science, Royal Society of Canada, 1984-1985

s) Reviewer for NSERC Operating and Strategic grant applications.

t) Served on Advisory Board to Ontario Ministry of Education and prepared a segment of the new High School Curriculum, 1987.

u) Member, Advisory Board, International Symposium, "The Expanding Realm of Yeast-Like Fungi" 1985-1987

v) Visited universities in mainland China by invitation of the Chinese Government, August-October 1987.
Lectures translated into Chinese and published in book form.

w) Mycological consultant to Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

x) Sole author, "The Fifth Kingdom" one of the standard mycology textbooks worldwide (3rd Edn 2001),
and of the continually updated CD-ROM version (now in Ver. 5.5). 

y) President, South Vancouver Island Mycological Society. 2000.

z) Visiting Mycologist & Keynote Speaker, Mycological Society of Japan. 2001
seminars at Tokyo, Tottori, Kyoto, Nagasaki, Sapporo.

aa) Keynote speaker, Pan American Aerobiology Association annual conference, San Diego, CA, June 2004

bb) Invited Lectures at Universities in Jinan, Taian, Qingdao, Qufu, Wuhan, China.  June-July 2010.


(340 as of Feb 2014)

1. Kendrick, B. 1958. Microfungi in pine litter. Nature 181: 432.

2. Kendrick, B. 1958. Helicoma monospora sp. nov. from pine litter. Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc. 41: 446-448.

3. Brown, J.C. and B. Kendrick 1958. Gliomastix guttuliformis sp. nov. Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc. 41: 499-500.

4. Kendrick, B. 1958. Sympodiella, a new hyphomycete genus. Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc. 41: 519-521.

5. Kendrick, B. 1959. The time factor in the decomposition of coniferous leaf litter. Can. J. Bot. 37: 907-912.

6. Parkinson, D. and B. Kendrick 1960. Investigations of soil microhabitats. (in) "The Ecology of Soil Fungi"
    (Eds.) D.Parkinson and J.S. Waid. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. pp.22-28.

7. Kendrick, B. 1961. Hyphomycetes of conifer leaf litter. Thysanophora gen. nov. Can. J. Bot. 39: 817-832.

8. Kendrick, B. 1961. Hyphomycetes of conifer leaf litter. Hormodendrum staurophorum sp. nov. 
    Can. J. Bot. 39: 833-835.

9. Kendrick, B. 1961. The Leptographium complex. Phialocephala gen. nov. Can. J. Bot. 39: 1079-1085.

10. Kendrick, B. 1962. The Leptographium complex. Verticicladiella Hughes. Can. J. Bot. 40: 771-797.

11. Kendrick, B. and A. Burges 1962. Biological aspects of the decay of Pinus sylvestris leaf litter. 
    Nova Hedwigia 4: 313-342.

12. Kendrick, B. 1962. Soil fungi of a copper swamp. Can. J. Microbiol. 8: 639-647.

13. Proctor, J.R. and B. Kendrick 1963. Unequal weighting in numerical taxonomy. Nature 197: 716-717.

14. Kendrick, B. 1963. The Leptographium complex. Penicillium repens C. & E. Can. J. Bot. 41 :573-577.

15. Hughes, S.J. & B. Kendrick 1963. Microfungi. IX. Menispora Persoon. Can. J. Bot. 41: 693-711.

16. Kendrick, B. 1963. Fungi associated with the breakdown of pine leaf litter in the organic horizon of a podzol. 
    Mycopath. Mycol. appl. 19: 241-245.

17. Kendrick, B. 1963. The Leptographium complex. Two new species of Phialocephala. Can. J. Bot. 41:1015-1023

18. Kendrick, B. & J.R. Proctor 1964. Computer taxonomy in the fungi imperfecti. Can. J. Bot. 42: 65-88.

19. Kendrick, B. 1964.The Leptographium complex. Scopularia venusta Preuss. Can. J. Bot. 42: 1119-1122.

20. Kendrick, B. 1964. The Leptographium complex. Hantzschia Auerswald. Can. J. Bot. 42:1291-1295.

21. Kendrick, B. 1964. Toward better information storage and retrieval. Mycologia 56: 781-782.

22. Kendrick, B. 1964. Quantitative characters in computer taxonomy (in) "Phenetic and Phylogenetic Classification." 
    (Eds.) V.H. Heywood and J. McNeill. Systematics Assoc. Publ. 6:105-114.

23. Kendrick, B. & A.C. Molnar 1965. A new Ceratocystis and its Verticicladiella imperfect state associated with 
    the bark beetle, Dryocoetes confusus, on Abies lasiocarpa. Can. J. Bot. 43: 39-43.

24. Kendrick, B. 1965. Overcrowding in fungus generic names. Mycologia 57: 318-319.

25. Kendrick, B. 1965. Complexity and dependence in computer taxonomy. Taxon 14: 141-154.

26. Hughes, S.J. & B. Kendrick 1965. New Zealand fungi 4. Zanclospora gen. nov. N.Z. J. Bot. 3: 151-158.

27. Kendrick, B. & G.C. Bhatt 1966. Trichocladium opacum. Can. J. Bot. 44:1728-1730.

28. Kendrick, B. & L.K. Weresub 1966. Attempting Neo-Adansonian computer taxonomy at the ordinal level 
    in the Basidiomycetes. Syst. Zool. 15: 307-329.

29. Kendrick, B. 1968. Fungi unter dem Microskop. (in) "Beitrage zur Licht-und Elektronenmicroskopie."  
    (Ed.) H. Gottschalk. Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen. pp.49-52.

30. Cole, G.T. & B. Kendrick 1968. A thin culture, chamber for time-lapse photomicrography of fungi at 
    high magnifications. Mycologia 60: 340-344.

31. Kendrick, B., G.T. Cole & G.C. Bhatt 1968. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. Gonatobotryum apiculatum  
    and its botryose blastospores. Can. J. Bot. 46: 591-596.

32. Cole, G.T. & B. Kendrick 1968. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. The imperfect state of Monascus ruber  
    and its meristem arthrospores. Can. J. Bot. 46: 987-992.

33. Kendrick, B. & G.T. Cole 1968. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. The sympodulae of Beauveria and 
    Curvularia. Can. J. Bot. 46: 1297-1301.

34. Bhatt, B.C. & B. Kendrick 1968. The generic concepts of Diplorhinotrichum and Dactylaria and a new species 
    of Dactylaria from soil. Can. J. Bot. 46: 1253-1257.

35. Hughes, S.J. & B. Kendrick 1969. New Zealand fungi 12. Menispora, Codinaea, Menisporopsis
    N.Z. J. Bot. 6: 323-375.

36. Kendrick, B. & G.T. Cole 1969. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. Trichothecium roseum and its 
    meristem arthrospores. Can. J. Bot. 47: 345-350.

37. Kendrick, B. 1969. Preservation of fleshy fungi for taxonomy. Mycologia 61: 392-395.

38. Cole, G.T., T.R. Nag Raj & B. Kendrick 1969. A simple technique for time-lapse photomicrography of microfungi 
    in plate culture. Mycologia 61: 726-730.

39. Cole, G.T. & B. Kendrick 1969. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. The phialides of Phialophora, Penicillium  
    and Ceratocystis. Can. J. Bot. 47:779-789.

40. Cole, G.T. & B. Kendrick 1969. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. The annellophores of Scopulariopsis 
.   Can. J. Bot. 47:925-929.

41. Cole, G.T. & B. Kendrick 1969. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. The arthrospores of Oidiodendron  
    and Geotrichum, and the endoarthrospores of Sporendonema. Can. J. Bot. 47:1773-1780.

42. Kendrick, B. 1969. Freedom or death. Canadian Research and Development 2(6):32-34.

43. Nag Raj, T.R. & B. Kendrick 1970. Mycotribulus, a new genus of Sphaeropsidales. Can. J. Bot. 48: 2219-2221.

44. Cole, G.T. & B. Kendrick 1971. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. Development and morphology 
    in Cladobotryum.    Can. J. Bot. 49: 595-599.

45. Kendrick, B. 1971. Introduction. (in) "Taxonomy of Fungi Imperfecti." (Ed.).B. Kendrick. 
    Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto. pp.3-6.

46. Kendrick, B. 1971. Arthroconidia and meristem arthroconidia.(in) "Taxonomy of Fungi Imperfecti."  (Ed.) B. Kendrick.
     Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto. pp.160-175.

47. Kendrick, B. 1971. Conclusions and recommendations. (in) "Taxonomy of Fungi Imperfecti."  (Ed.) B. Kendrick. 
    Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto. pp.252-262.

48. Kendrick, B., & Chang, M.G. 1971. Karyology of conidiogenesis in some hyphomycetes. (in) "Taxonomy of 
    Fungi Imperfecti." (Ed.) B. Kendrick. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto. pp.279-291.

49. Kendrick, B. 1971. Conidium shape. (in) "Taxonomy of Fungi Imperfecti." (Ed.) B. Kendrick. 
    Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto. pp. 301-304.

50. Nag Raj, T.R. & B. Kendrick 1971. Genera coelomycetum. I. Urohendersonia. Can. J. Bot. 49: 1853-1862.

51. Nag Raj, T.R. & B. Kendrick 1971. On the identity of three species of Cylindrosporium described by Preuss. 
    Can. J. Bot. 49: 2119-2122.

52. Nag Raj, T.R. & B. Kendrick 1972. Genera coelomycetum. II. Doliomyces. Can. J. Bot. 50:45-48.

53. Nag Raj, T.R. & B. Kendrick 1972. Genera coelomycetum. III. Pestalozziella. Can. J. Bot. 50: 607-617.

54. Nag Raj, T.R., G. Morgan-Jones & B. Kendrick 1972. Genera coelomycetum. IV. Pseudorobillarda gen. nov., 
    a generic segregate of Robillarda Sacc. Can. J. Bot. 50: 861-867.

55. Morgan-Jones, G., T.R. Nag Raj & B. Kendrick 1972. Genera coelomycetum. V. Alpakesa and Bartalinia
    Can. J. Bot. 50: 877-882.

56. Hashmi, M.H., B. Kendrick & G. Morgan-Jones 1972. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. 
    The genera Torulomyces Delitsch and Monocillium Saksena. Can. J. Bot. 50:1461-1464.

57. Morgan-Jones, G., T.R. Nag Raj & B. Kendrick 1972. Genera coelomycetarum. VI. Kellermania
    Can. J. Bot. 50: 1641-1648.

58. Morgan-Jones, G., T.R. Nag Raj & B. Kendrick 1972. Icones generum coelomycetum. I. 
    Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 3: 42pp.

59. Morgan-Jones, G., T.R. Nag Raj & B. Kendrick 1972. Icones generum coelomycetum. II. 
    Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 4: 40pp.

60. Morgan-Jones, G., T.R. Nag Raj & B. Kendrick 1972. Icones generum coelomycetum. III 
    Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 5: 42pp.

61. Morgan-Jones, G. & B. Kendrick 1972. Notes on hyphomycetes. III. Redisposition of six species of Exosporium
    Can. J. Bot. 50:1817-1824.

62. Morgan-Jones, G., T.R. Nag Raj & B. Kendrick 1972. Icones generum coelomycetum. IV. 
    Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 6: 42pp.

63. Morgan-Jones, G., T.R. Nag Raj & B. Kendrick 1972. Icones generum coelomycetum. V. 
    Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 7: 52pp.

64. Morgan-Jones, G., T.R. Nag Raj & B. Kendrick 1972. Conidium ontogeny in coelomycetes. IV. 
    Proliferating phialides. Can. J. Bot. 50 :2009-2014.

65. Kendrick, B. 1972. Computer graphics in fungal identification. Can. J. Bot. 50: 2171-2175.

66. Hashmi, M.H., G. Morgan-Jones & B. Kendrick 1972. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. The Monilia state 
    of Neurospora sitophila and Sclerotinia laxa. Can. J. Bot. 50: 2419-2421.

67. Da Riva Ricci, D.& B. Kendrick 1972 Computer modelling of hyphal tip growth in fungi Can. J. Bot. 50: 2455-2462.

68. Hashmi, M.H., B. Kendrick & G. Morgan-Jones 1972. Mitosis in three hyphomycetes Can. J. Bot. 50: 2575-2578

69. Bärlocher, F.J. & B. Kendrick 1973. Fungi in the diet of Gammarus pseudolimnaeus. Oikos 24: 295-300.

70. Nag Raj, T.R., G. Morgan-Jones & B. Kendrick 1973. Pseudorobillarda Nag Raj et al., a later homonym 
    of Pseudorobillarda Morelet. Can. J. Bot. 51: 1089-1091.

71. Hashmi, M.H., G. Morgan-Jones & B. Kendrick 1973. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. The blastoconidia 
    of Torula herbarum and Cladosporium herbarum. Can. J. Bot. 51:1089-1091.

72. Kendrick, B. & J.W. Carmichael 1973. The Hyphomycetes. (in) "The Fungi." vol. IVa. 
    (Eds.) G.C. Ainsworth, F.K. Sparrow, and A.S. Sussman. Academic Press, New York. pp.321-509.

73. Cole, G.T. & B. Kendrick 1973. Taxonomic studies of Phialophora. Mycologia 65: 661-688.

74. Kendrick, B. 1973. Book Review: "The Genera Beauveria, Isaria, Tritirachium and Acrodontium gen. nov." 
    by G.S. de Hoog. Mycologia 65: 976-977.

75. Kendrick, B. 1973. Book Review "Cephalosporium-Artige Schimmelpilze" by W Gams.Quart. Rev. Biol.48: 506-507

76. Bärlocher, F.J. & B. Kendrick 1973. Fungi and food preferences of Gammarus pseudolimnaeus
    Arch. Hydrobiol. 72:501-516.

77. Upadhyay, H.P. & B. Kendrick 1974. A new Graphium-like genus (conidial state of Ceratocystis). 
    Mycologia 66: 181-183.

78. Kendrick, B. 1974. Book review: "Hyphomycetes from Manitoba and Saskatchewan" by B.C. Sutton. 
    Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc. 62: 631-632.

79. Bärlocher, F.J. & B. Kendrick 1974. Dynamics of the fungal population on leaves in a stream. J. Ecol. 62: 761-791.

80. Kendrick, B. 1974. The generic iceberg. Taxon 23: 747-753.

81. Upadhyay, H.P. & B. Kendrick 1975. Prodromus for a revision of Ceratocystistis (Microascales, Ascomycetes) 
    and its conidial states. Mycologia 67: 798-805.

82. Bärlocher, F.J. & B. Kendrick 1975. Assimilation efficiency of Gammarus pseudolimnaeus (Amphipoda) feeding 
    on fungal mycelium or autumn-shed leaves. Oikos 26: 55-59.

83. Bärlocher, F.J. & B. Kendrick 1975. Leaf conditioning by micro-organisms. Oecologia 20: 359-362.

84. Nag Raj, T.R. & B. Kendrick 1976. "A Monograph of Chalara and Allied Genera." 
    Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, Waterloo. 201pp.

85. Bärlocher, F.J. & B. Kendrick 1976. Hyphomycetes as intermediaries of energy flow in streams. 
    (in) "Recent Advances in Aquatic Mycology." (Ed.) E.B. Gareth Jones. Elek, London. pp.435-446.

86. Kendrick, B. 1976. Book Review: "The Plant Kingdom -- Evolution and Form" by S.R. Rushforth. (Prentice Hall) 
    Can. Bot. Assoc. Bull. 9(3):32.

87. Kendrick, B. 1976. Book Review: "An Illustrated Guide to Aquatic and Water-Borne Hyphomycetes" 
    by C.T. Ingold. Quart. Rev. Biol. 51: 440-441.

88. Kendrick, B. 1976. Graduate studies in botany at Canadian universities. Can. Bot. Assoc. Bull. 9(4):43-52.

89. Schenck, S., B. Kendrick & D. Pramer 1977. A new nematode-trapping hyphomycete and a re-evaluation of 
and Arthrobotrys. Can. J. Bot. 55: 977-985.

90. Kendrick, B. & F.J. Bärlocher 1977. "Mycology" (English Translation of "Mykologie" by E. Müller and W. Loeffler)
    Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart. 306pp.

91. Bärlocher, F.J., B. Kendrick & J. Michaelides 1977. Colonization of resin-coated slides by aquatic hyphomycetes. 
    Can. J. Bot. 55: 1163-1166.

92. Watling, R. & B. Kendrick 1977. Dimorphism in Collybia racemosa. Michigan Botanist 16: 65-72.

93. Hunter, L.J. & B. Kendrick 1977. Kumanasamuha nova-zelandica, a new dematiaceous hyphomycete from 
    New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 15: 585-588.

94. Kavelman, R. & B. Kendrick 1978. Degradation of a plastic -- polyepsilon caprolactone -- by hyphomycetes. 
    Mycologia 70: 87-103.

95. Nag Raj, T.R. & B. Kendrick 1978. Genera coelomycetum. XV. Belaina, Belainopsis and Crucellisporium
    Can. J. Bot. 56: 708-714.

96. Bärlocher, F.J., B. Kendrick & J. Michaelides 1978. Colonization and conditioning of Pinus resinosa needles by 
    aquatic hyphomycetes. Arch. Hydrobiol. 81: 462-474.

97. Kendrick, B. 1978. Recent developments in the systematics of pathogenic fungi. (in) "Biosystematics in Agriculture." 
    (Eds.) J.A.Romberger, R.H.Foote, L.V.Knutson & P.L.Lentz. Beltsville Symposia in Agric. Res. vol. 2. 
    Allenheld, Osmun., Montclair, pp.119-137.

98. Michaelides, J. & B. Kendrick 1978. An investigation of factors retarding colonization of conifer needles by 
    amphibious hyphomycetes in streams. Mycologia 70: 419-430.

99. Watling, R. & B. Kendrick 1979. Osteomorpha Arnaud -- a validation. Yorks. Nat. 104:1-4.

100. Kendrick, B. 1979. Introduction. (in) "The Whole Fungus." vol 1. (Ed.) B. Kendrick. Nat Mus Canada, pp.11-15.

101. Kendrick, B. & T.R. Nag Raj 1979. Morphological terminology in Fungi Imperfecti (in) "The Whole Fungus." vol. 1
  . (Ed.) B. Kendrick. Nat. Mus. Canada, Ottawa. pp.43-62.

102. Kendrick, B. & F. DiCosmo 1979. Anamorph-Teleomorph connections in ascomycetes (in) "The Whole Fungus"
    vol.1.(Ed.) B. Kendrick. Nat. Mus. Canada, Ottawa. pp.283-410.

103. Kendrick, B. and R. Watling 1979. Mitospores in basidiomycetes (in) "The Whole Fungus." vol. 2. (Ed.) B. Kendrick.
    Nat. Mus. Canada, Ottawa. pp.473-545.

104. Kendrick, B., G.J. Samuels, J. Webster & E.S. Luttrell 1979. Techniques for establishing connections between
    anamorph and teleomorph (in) "The Whole Fungus." vol. 2. (Ed.) B. Kendrick. Nat. Mus. Canada, Ottawa. pp.635-652.

105. Kendrick, B. 1979. Postscript (in) "The Whole Fungus." vol 2. (Ed.) B. Kendrick. Nat. Mus. Canada pp.711-716.

106. Kendrick, B. 1979. Foreword (in) "Patterns of Development in Conidial Fungi" by G.T. Cole and R.A. Samson. 
    Pitman, London.

107. Michaelides, J., L. Hunter, B. Kendrick & T.R. Nag Raj 1979. A synoptic key to 200 genera of Coelomycetes. 
    Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 20: 42pp.

108. Kendrick, B. 1980. "Fungi, Algae and Bryophytes." Univ. of Waterloo. 142 pp.

109. Kendrick, B. 1980. The generic concept in hyphomycetes -- a reappraisal. Mycotaxon 11: 339-364.

110. Carmichael, J.W., B. Kendrick, I.L. Conners & L. Sigler 1980. "Genera of Hyphomycetes." 
    Univ. of Alberta Press, Edmonton. 386pp.

111. DiCosmo, F, J. Michaelides, & B. Kendrick 1980. Myrothecium tongaense anam.-sp. nov. Mycotaxon 12: 219-224.

112. Bärlocher, F.J. & B. Kendrick 1981. The role of aquatic hyphomycetes in the trophic structure of streams. 
    (in) "The Fungal Community: its organization and role in the ecosystem." (Eds.) E.T. Wicklow and G.C. Carroll. 
    Marcel Dekker, New York. pp.743-760.

113. Kendrick, B. 1981. A history of conidial fungi. (in) "Biology of Conidial Fungi." vol. 1. 
    (Eds.) G.T. Cole & B. Kendrick. Academic Press, New York. pp.1-19.

114. Kendrick, B. 1981. Systematics of hyphomycetes. (in) "Biology of Conidial Fungi." vol. 1. 
    (Eds.) G.T. Cole & B. Kendrick. Academic Press, New York. pp.21-42.

115. Nag Raj, T.R., & B. Kendrick 1981. Infundibura, a new hyphomycete with unique appendages. 
    Can. J. Bot. 59: 542-546.

116. Michaelides, J., L. Hunter & B. Kendrick 1982. A new synnematous hyphomycete, Ulocoryphus mastigophorus,
    anam. gen. et sp. nov. Mycotaxon 14: 61-68.

117. Michaelides, J. & B. Kendrick 1982. The bubble-trap propagules of Beverwykella, Helicoon and other aero-aquatic
     fungi. Mycotaxon 14: 247-260.

118. Berch, S.M. & B. Kendrick 1982. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae of Southern Ontario ferns and fern-allies.
     Mycologia 74: 769-776.

119. Kendrick, B., M. Risk, J. Michaelides & K. Bergman 1982. Amphibious microborers: bioeroding fungi isolated from 
    live corals. Bull. Mar. Sci. 32: 862-867.

120. DiCosmo, F., T.R. Nag Raj & B. Kendrick 1983. Prodromus for a revision of the Phacidiaceae and related anamorphs.
    Can. J. Bot. 61: 31-44.

121. Seifert, K., B. Kendrick & G. Murase 1983. A key to Hyphomycetes on Dung. Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 27:62pp.

122. DiCosmo, F., S.M. Berch & B. Kendrick 1983. Cylindrotrichum, Chaetopsis and two new genera of hyphomycetes,
    Kylindria and Xenokylindria. Mycologia 75: 949-973.

123. Zhang, T.-Y., B. Kendrick & D. Brubacher 1983. Annellidic (percurrent) and sympodial proliferation in congeneric hyphomycetes,
    and a new species of Sporidesmiella. Mycotaxon 18: 243-257.

124. Kendrick, B. & A. Shimizu 1984. Mushroom poisoning -- analysis of two cases, and a possible new treatment,
    plasmapheresis. Mycologia 76: 448-453.

125. Kendrick, B. 1984. Fungicides old and new. Agrologist 13(2): 23-25.

126. Jabaji-Hare, S.H., S.I. Sridhara & B. Kendrick 1984. A technique for the isolation of vesicles from vesicular-arbuscular
    mycorrhizae. Can. J. Bot. 62: 1466-1468.

127. Jabaji-Hare, S.H., A. Deschene & B. Kendrick 1984. Lipid content and composition of vesicles of a
    vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Mycologia 76: 1024-1030.

128. DiCosmo, F., T.R. Nag Raj & B. Kendrick 1984. A revision of the Phacidiaceae and related anamorphs. 
    Mycotaxon 21:1-235.

129. Jabaji-Hare, S.H., C.J. Perumalla & B. Kendrick 1984. Autofluorescence of vesicles, arbuscules, and intercellular
    hyphae of a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus in leek (Allium porrum) roots. Can. J. Bot. 62: 2665-2669.

130. Fronda, A. & B. Kendrick 1985. Uptake of diquat by four aero-aquatic hyphomycetes. 
    Envir. Pollution 37: 229-244.

131. Jabaji-Hare, S.H. & B. Kendrick 1985. Effects of Fosetyl-Al (AllietteR) on root exudation and the composition 
    of extracts of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal leek plants. Can. J. Plant Path. 7:118-126.

132. Kendrick, B. 1985. "The Fifth Kingdom." Mycologue Publications, Waterloo. 371pp.

133. Kendrick, B. and S.M. Berch 1985. Mycorrhizae: Applications in Agriculture and Forestry. (in) "Comprehensive
    Biotechnology." vol 3. (Ed.) C. Robinson. Pergamon, Oxford. pp.109-152.

134. Murase, G. and B. Kendrick 1986. The evaluation of mechanical chopping of fungal mycelia as a method of increasing
    fungal biomass. Biotechnol. Lett. 8: 25-30.

135. Kendrick, B. 1986. Biology of toxigenic anamorphs. Pure Appl. Chem. 58: 211-218.

136. Kendrick, B. 1986. "A Young Person's Guide to the Fungi." Mycologue Publ., Waterloo. 56pp.

137. Fronda, A. and B. Kendrick 1986. Effects of food containing diquat on a pond invertebrate, Lymnaea elodes
    Arch. Hydrobiol. 105: 387-395.

138. Nag Raj, T.R. and B. Kendrick 1986. On Dinemasporium adeanum. Mycotaxon 25:15-18.

139. Nag Raj, T.R. and B. Kendrick 1986. Ellurema gen. nov., with notes on Lepteutypa cisticola and 
    Seiridium canariense
. Sydowia 38:178-193.

140. Jabaji-Hare, S.H., and B. Kendrick 1987. Response of endomycorrhizal fungus in Allium porrum to 
    different concentrations of the system fungicides Metalaxyl (Ridomil) and Fosetyl-Al (AlietteR).
    Soil Biol. Biochem. 19: 95-99.

141. de la Bastide, P. and B. Kendrick 1987. Use of a selective fungicide (Benomyl) to improve survival and growth of
    outplanted white pine (Pinus strobus) seedlings. (in) "Mycorrhizae in the Next Decade." (Eds.) D.M. Sylvia, L.L. Hung and
     J.H. Graham.

142. Brundrett, M. and B. Kendrick 1987. The ecology of Boletinellus merulioides. (in) "Mycorrhizae in the next decade"
    (Eds). D.M. Sylvia, L.L. Hung & J.H. Graham. p. 87.

143. Kendrick, B. 1987. "Modern mycology." Forestry Univ. of Nanjing Press, Nanjing. 114pp.

144. Brundrett, M. and B. Kendrick 1987. The relationship between the fungus Boletinellus merulioides and an aphid
     parasitic on ash tree roots. Symbiosis 3:315-320.

145. Kendrick, B. 1987. Yeasts and yeast-like fungi: new concepts and new techniques. (in) "The Expanding Realm of
    Yeast-like Fungi." (Eds.) G.S. de Hoog, M.Th. Smith and A.C.M. Weijman. Stud. Mycol. 30: 479-486. 
    Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn.

146. Nag Raj, T.R. and B. Kendrick 1988. Genera coelomycetum. XXIII.Catenophoropsis anamorph gen. nov.
    Can. J. Bot. 66: 898-902.

147. Kendrick, B. 1988. Fungi in the classroom. Part 1. Biologue 1: 2-3. Dept. Biology, Univ. of Waterloo.

148. Brundrett, M. and B. Kendrick. 1988. Roots and mycorrhizae in a hardwood forest. (in) "Mycorrhizae in Forestry."
    (Eds.) M. Lalonde & Y. Piché. Univ. Laval. pp. 89-95.

149. Brundrett, M. and B. Kendrick 1988. The mycorrhizal status, root anatomy and phenology of plants in a sugar maple
    forest. Can. J. Bot. 66:1153-1173.

150. Kendrick, B. and J.C. Semple 1989. "A Survey of Fungi, Algae and Plants. Their Morphology, Classification and
    Phylogeny" Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo. 210 pp.

151. Kendrick, B. 1989. Fungi in the classroom. Part 2. Biologue 2: 9-12. Dept. Biology, Univ. of Waterloo.

152. Kendrick, B. 1989. Canada joins the club. Biologue 3: 6-7. Dept. Biology, Univ. of Waterloo.

153. Kendrick, B. 1989. Subdivision Deuteromycotina -- a fungal chimera. Sydowia 41:125-133.

154. Castañeda, R. and B. Kendrick 1990. Conidial fungi from Cuba:1 Univ Waterloo Biol Ser. 32: 53 pp

155. Castañeda, R. and B. Kendrick 1990. Conidial fungi from Cuba: II Univ Waterloo Biol Ser 33: 62 pp

156. Kendrick, B. and D. Parkinson 1990. Soil fungi. pp. 49-68 (in) "The Soil Biology Guide." (Ed.) D.L. Dindal. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

157. Brundrett, M.C., G. Murase and B. Kendrick 1990. Comparative anatomy of roots and mycorrhizae of common 
    Ontario trees. Can. J. Bot. 68: 551-578.

158. de la Bastide, P.Y. and B. Kendrick 1990. The in vitro effects of Benomyl on disease resistance, ectomycorrhiza
    formation and growth of white pine (Pinus strobus) seedlings.  Can. J. Bot. 68: 444-448.

159. Brundrett, M.C. and B. Kendrick 1990. The roots and mycorrhizae of herbaceous woodland plants. I. Quantitative
     aspects of morphology. New Phytol. 114: 457-468.

160. Brundrett, M.C. and B. Kendrick 1990. The roots and mycorrhizae of herbaceous woodland plants. II. Structural
    aspects of morphology. New Phytol. 114: 469-479.

161. Zhang, T.-Y. and B. Kendrick 1990. A reassessment of Botryosporium (Hyphomycetes) 
    Acta Mycologica Sinica 9: 31-40.

162. Kendrick, B. 1990. A rapid, computer-based synoptic key to genera of gilled fungi. Mycotaxon 38: 27-36.

163. Kendrick, B. 1990. Fungal allergens. pp. 41-50 (in) "Sampling and Identifying Allergenic Pollens and Molds" 
    (Ed.) E. Grant Smith. Blewstone Press, San Antonio, Tx.

164. Newton, G. and B. Kendrick 1990. Image processing in taxonomy. Sydowia 42: 246-272.

165. Premdas, P.D. and B. Kendrick 1991. The effect of some commercial carrier formulations on the germination of
    Pseudoaegerita matsushimae propagules. Can. J. Bot. 69: 119-122.

166. Saikawa, M., R.F. Castañeda, B. Kendrick and T.R. Nag Raj 1991. Genera Coelomycetum XXVIII. Zelosatchmopsis
anam.-gen. nov. Can. J. Bot. 69: 630-633.

167. Kendrick, B. 1991. Fungal symbiosis and evolutionary innovations. pp. 249-261 (in) Symbiosis as a source of
    evolutionary innovation. (Eds.) L. Margulis & R. Fester. MIT Press, Cambridge.

168. Premdas, P.D. and B. Kendrick 1991. Colonization of autumn-shed leaves by four aero-aquatic fungi. 
    Mycologia 83: 317-321.

169. Brundrett, M.C., B. Kendrick and C.A. Peterson. 1991. Efficient lipid staining in plant material with Sudan red 7B 
    or Fluorol yellow 088 in polyethylene glycol-glycerol. Biotechnic Histochem. 66 (3):111-116

170. Premdas, P.D. and B. Kendrick 1991. Seasonal sporulation of some aero-aquatic fungi. Arch. Hydrobiol. 122: 479-482. 

171.  Premdas, P.D. and B. Kendrick 1991. The effects of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, pentachlorophenol and mixtures
    of these on an aero-aquatic fungus. J. Freshw. Ecol. 6:147-154. 

172.  Kendrick, B. 1991. Book Review: Handbook of the Protoctista (Eds.) L. Margulis, J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian and
    D.J. Chapman. Mycotaxon 42: 505-507. 

173.  Wingfield, M.J., B. Kendrick and P.S. van Wyk 1991. Analysis of conidium ontogeny in the Ophiostomatales: Pesotum
and Phialographium are synonyms of Graphium.  Mycol. Res. 95: 1328-1333.

174. Kendrick, B. 1992. "The Fifth Kingdom" (second revised and enlarged edition). 
    Focus, Newburyport/Mycologue, Sidney. viii + 406 pp.

175. Semple, J.C. and B. Kendrick 1992. "An Evolutionary Survey of Fungi, Algae and Plants." 
    Mycologue Publications, Sidney. iii + 196 pp.

176 Castañeda, R.F. and B. Kendrick 1992. Ninety-nine conidial fungi from Cuba and three from Canada. 
    Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 35: 132 pp.

177. Bhat, D.J.; Kendrick, W.B.; Chien, C.-y. (1992). Exploration of tropical microfungi: an exercise in diversity? Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 33: 135-138.

178. Wolfaardt, J.F., M.J. Wingfield and B. Kendrick. 1992. A synoptic key and a computer database for identification 
    of species of Ceratocystis sensu lato. S. Afr. J. Botany 58(4):277-285.

179. Premdas, P.D. and B. Kendrick. 1992. Seasonal sporulation of some aero-aquatic fungi. 
    Archiv für Hydrobiologie 122: 479-482.

180. Premdas, P.D. and B. Kendrick. 1992. A new system to bioassay pesticides present in the surface microlayer using
    floating propagules of an aeroaquatic hyphomycetous fungus Pseudoaegerita matsushimae
    Environ. Monit. and Assess. 22:169-180

181. Newton, G. and B. Kendrick 1993. Image processing in fungal taxonomy and identification. pp. 403-412 
    (in) "Advances in Computer Methods for Systematic Biology: Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Computer Vision." 
    (Ed.) R. Fortuner. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore.

182. Nag Raj, T.R. and B. Kendrick 1993. The anamorph as generic determinant in the holomorph: the Chalara connection 
    in the Ascomycetes, with special reference to the Ophiostomatales. pp. 57-66 (in) "Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma: their
    taxonomy, ecology and pathogenicity". (Eds.) M.J. Wingfield, K.A. Seifert & J.F. Webber. A.P.S. Press, St. Paul, Mn.

183. Kendrick, W.B., M.J. Wingfield and J.P. van der Walt 1993. Relationships between the yeasts and the Ophiostomatales.
    pp.67-70 (in) "Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma: their taxonomy, ecology and pathogenicity". (Eds.) M.J. Wingfield, 
    K.A. Seifert & J.F. Webber. A.P.S. Press, St. Paul, Mn.

184. Seifert, K.A., M.J. Wingfield and B. Kendrick 1993. A nomenclator for described species of Ceratocystis,
    Ophiostoma, Ceratocystiopsis, Ceratostomella and Sphaeronaemella. pp. 253-271 (in) "Ceratocystis and
    Ophiostoma: their taxonomy, ecology and pathogenicity." (Eds.) M.J. Wingfield, K.A. Seifert & J.F. Webber. 
    A.P.S. Press, St. Paul, Mn.

185. Kendrick, B. 1993. Problems and prospects for future research in the Ophiostomatales. pp. 272-276 (in) "Ceratocystis
and Ophiostoma: their taxonomy, ecology and pathogenicity". 
    (Eds.) M.J. Wingfield, K.A. Seifert & J.F. Webber. A.P.S. Press, St. Paul, Mn.

186. Bhat, D.J. and B. Kendrick. 1993. Twenty-five new conidial fungi from the Western Ghats and the Andaman Islands
     (India). Mycotaxon 49:19-90.

187. Klironomos, J. N. and B. Kendrick. 1993. Research on Mycorrhizae: Trends in the past 40 years as expressed in the
    `MYCOLIT' database. New Phytologist. 125: 595-600.

188. Klironomos, J. N., P. Moutoglis, B. Kendrick and P. Widden. 1993. A comparison of spatial heterogeneity of
     vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae in two maple forest soils. Can. J. Botany 71:1472-1480.

189. Castañeda, R.F. and B. Kendrick. 1993. Aenigmatomyces, an enigmatic new fungus from Algonquin park, Canada.
    Mycologia 85:1023-1027.

190. Kendrick, B. and G. Murase. 1993. Can we recognize monophyletic groups among hyphomycetes? pp. 101-108 
    (in) Ascomycete Systematics: Problems and Perspectives in the Nineties. (Ed.) D.L. Hawksworth. Plenum, N.Y.

191. Wingfield, M.J., B.D. Wingfield and B. Kendrick 1993. The development of holomorphic concepts in ophiostomatalean
    ascomycetes. pp. 333-340 (in) Ascomycete Systematics: Problems and Perspectives in the Nineties. 
    (Ed.) D.L. Hawksworth. Plenum, New York.

192. Crous, P.W., and B. Kendrick 1994. Arnaudiella eucalyptorum sp. nov. (Dothideales, Ascomycetes) and its
    hyphomycetous anamorph Xenogliocladiopsis gen. nov., from Eucalyptus litter in South Africa. Can. J. Bot. 72: 59-64.

193. Crous, P.W., M.J. Wingfield and W.B. Kendrick. 1994. Verrucophragmia splendens gen. nov. and
    Kionochaeta unilateralis sp. nov. from litter in South Africa. Mycologia 86: 447-450..

192. Kendrick, B. 1994. Evolution in action: from mushrooms to truffles. I. McIlvainea 11 (2): 34-38.

195. Kendrick, B. 1994. Evolution in action: from mushrooms to truffles. II McIlvainea 11 (2): 39-47.

196. Kendrick, B. 1994. Why Classify? New Zealand Science Review. 51: 92-98.

197. Kendrick, B., Smith, J.E., Neville, J., and Weber, N.S. 1994. A study of morphological variability, character analysis,
    and taxonomic significance in the Zygomycetous anamorph-genus Umbelopsis. Mycotaxon. 51: 15-26.

198. Li, D. W. and B. Kendrick 1994. Functional relationships between airborne fungal spores and environmental factors 
    in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, as detected by canonical correspondence analysis. Grana 33: 166-176.

199. Li, D.W. and B. Kendrick. 1995. A year-round comparison of fungal spores in indoor and outdoor air. 
    Mycologia 87: 190-195.

200. Li, D.W. and B. Kendrick. 1995. A year-round study on functional relationships of airborne fungi with meteorological
    factors. Int. J. Biometeorology 39: 74-80

201. Gong, X. and B. Kendrick. 1995. Agaricostilbum novazelandica, a new auricularioid Basidiomycete on Rhopalostylis
from New Zealand. Mycotaxon 54: 19-25.

202. Moutoglis, P., J.N. Klironomos, P. Widden and B. Kendrick 1995. Direct observation of spores of vesicular-arbuscular
    mycorrhizal fungi growing on sugar maple plant roots in the field, using sodium hexametaphosphate as a soil dispersant.
    Mycologia 87: 419-423.

203. Klironomos, J.N. and B. Kendrick. 1995. Relationships among microarthropods, fungi and their environment. 
    Plant and Soil 170: 183-197.

204. Crous, P.W., M.J. Wingfield and B. Kendrick. 1995. Foliicolous dematiaceous hyphomycetes from Syzygium cordatum.
    Can. J. Bot. 73: 224-234.

205. Klironomos, J.N. & B. Kendrick. 1995. Stimulative effects of arthropods on endomycorrhizas of sugar maple in the
    presence of decaying litter. Functional Ecology 9: 528-536.

206. Klironomos, J.N. & B. Kendrick. 1995. Relationships among microarthropods, fungi and their environment. 
    Plant and Soil 170: 183-197.

207. Li, D.W. and B. Kendrick 1995 A year-round outdoor aeromycological study in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 
    Grana 34: 199-207.

208. Li, De-Wei and B. Kendrick 1995 A year-round study on functional relationships of airborne fungi with meteorological
     factors. Int. J. Biometeorol. 39: 74-80

209. Li, D.W. and B. Kendrick. 1995. Indoor aeromycota in relation to residential characteristics and allergic symptoms
    Mycopathologia 131: 149-157.

210. Klironomos, J.N. and B. Kendrick 1996. Palatability of microfungi to soil arthropods in relation to the functioning of
    arbuscular mycorrhizae. Biol. Fertil. Soils 21: 43-52.

211. Li, D.W. and B. Kendrick. 1996 Functional and causal relationships between indoor and outdoor airborne fungi. 
    Can. J. Bot. 74: 194-209.

212. Castañeda, R.F., B. Kendrick & J. Gené. 1997 Notes on conidial fungi XIII: a new species of Cladosporium  
    from Cuba. Mycotaxon 63: 183-187.

213. Crous, P.W., B. Kendrick & A.C. Alfenas. 1997. New species of hyphomycetes associated with Eucalyptus. 
South African Journal of Botany 63: 286-290.

214. Castañeda, R.F., B. Kendrick and J. Guarro. 1997. Notes on conidial fungi XIV: New hyphomycetes from Cuba.
    Mycotaxon 65: 93-106.

215. Castañeda, R.F., B. Kendrick, J. Guarro, and E. Mayayo. 1998. New species of Dictyochaeta and Helicoma  
    from rain forests in Cuba. Mycological Research 102: 58-62.

216. Castañeda, R.F., B. Kendrick, J. Guarro, and E. Mayayo 1998. New species of Endophragmiella and
     Sporidesmiella from Cuba. Mycological Research. 102: 548-552.

217. Castañeda, R.F., B. Kendrick, J. Guarro and J. Gene. 1998. A new species of Hemibeltrania from Cuba.
     Mycological Research 102: 930-932.

218. Castaneda, R.F. B. Kendrick and J. Guarro. 1998. Notes on conidial fungi. XVIII. New species of
    Pseudomicrodochium and Refractohilum from rainforest litter. Mycotaxon 68: 23-32.

219. Castaneda, R.F. , B. Kendrick and J. Guarro 1998. Notes on Conidial Fungi. XVII. Amphophialis, anam. gen.
    nov. Mycotaxon 68: 11-17.

220 Countess, R.E., B. Kendrick and J.A. Trofymow. 1998. Macrofungal Diversity in Successional Douglas-fir Forests.
    NorthWest Science 72

221. Neville, J. and B. Kendrick 1999. Computer identification of gilled mushroom genera occurring in Canada. 
    Mycotaxon 71: 223-240.

222. Wingfield, M.J., P.S. van Wyk and B. Kendrick. 2000 Analysis of conidiogenesis: helical conidiotaxis in percurrently extending
    conidiogenous cells. South African Journal of Science 96: 577-580.

223.  Kendrick, B. 2001 "The Fifth Kingdom" on CD-ROM. Version 2.5 . Mycologue Publ, Sidney

224. Kendrick, B. 2001 "The Fifth Kingdom" 3rd Edition. 373pp. Focus, Newburyport

225. Kendrick, B. 2001 Review: McLaughlin, D.J., E.G. McLaughlin & P.A. Lemke (Eds.) The Mycota, Vol VIIB  
    Systematics and Evolution. Springer, Heidelberg. Annals of Botany 88:

226. Kendrick, B. 2001 Review: Hock, B. (Ed.) The Mycota, Vol IX. Fungal Associations. Springer, Heidelberg.. 
    Annals of Botany 88:

227. Kendrick, B. 2001 Review: McLaughlin, D.J., E.G. McLaughlin & P.A. Lemke (Eds.) The Mycota, Vol VIIA:
    Systematics and evolution. Springer, Heidelberg. Mycological Research.

228. Kendrick, B. 2001 Review: McLaughlin, D.J., E.G. McLaughlin & P.A. Lemke (Eds.) The Mycota, Vol VIIB:
    Systematics and evolution. Springer, Heidelberg. Mycological Research

229. Kendrick, B. 2001 Review: Kiffer, E and M. Morelet 'The Deuteromycetes: Mitosporic fungi. Classification and 
    Generic keys.' Science Publ., Enfield, NH. Mycotaxon.

230. Li, D. W., B. Kendrick, and D. Wyse 2002. Causal influences of airborne fungi and other factors on symptoms of respiratory allergies. pp. 52-57 (In) Indoor Air 2002. Vol. 3. Proc. Internat. Conf. on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Vol. 3. Hal Levin (Ed.), Indoor Air 2002, Santa Cruz, California.

231. Kendrick, B. 2003 Analysis of morphogenesis in hyphomycetes: new characters derived from considering some conidiophores and conidia as condensed hyphal systems. Can. J. Bot. 81: 1-26.

232. Roberts, C., O. Ceska, P. Kroeger and B. Kendrick 2004. Macrofungi from six habitats over five years in Clayoquot Sound, Vancouver Island. Can. J. Bot. 82: 1518-1538

233. Kendrick, B. 2005 Fungi: Common, Rare and In Between. Botanical Electronic News 347.

234. Kendrick, B. 2005 Review: Peterson, R.L., H.B. Massicotte and L.H. Melville 'Mycorrhizas: Anatomy and Cell Biology' National Research Council Research Press, Ottawa. 176 pp. Canadian Bot Assoc Bulletin 38: 41.

235. Kendrick, B. 2005 Review: Hall, I.R., S.S. Stephenson, P.K. Buchanan, W. Yun and A.L.J. Cole 'Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of the World'  Timber Press Inc., Portland. 372 pp.  Inoculum, 56: 24-25.

236. Kendrick, B. 2007  What are 'saprophytic' plants all about?  The Victoria Naturalist  63 (4): 6-7.

237. Kendrick, B. 2007  Seashore Life of British Columbia. CD-ROM. Mycologue Publications, Sidney.

238. Kendrick, B. 2008  Sampling - Where, What, When and How Much?  Indoor Environment Connections 9 (6): 28-30 

239. Li, D-W, B. Kendrick, D. Spero & C. Macdonald. 2008. Balaniopsis triangularis sp. nov. from indoor environments. Mycotaxon 105: 105-110.

240. Kendrick, B. 2008  The Top Forty: moulds found in buildings.  CD-ROM. Mycologue Publications, Sidney.

241. Kendrick, B. 2009  The leaky condo problem and how to live with it.  VISOA Bulletin Nov 2009, p 10.

242. Kendrick, B. 2010  Review: Misra, K. and S.K. Deshmukh  'Fungi from Different Environments.'  Science Publishers.  393 pp.  Quart. Rev. Biol. 85: 370.

243. Seifert, KA, G Morgan-Jones, W Gams, and B Kendrick 2011 "The Genera of Hyphomycetes" Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht. 1,001 pp.

244. Kendrick, B. 2011 Fungi and the History of Mycology (in) eLS 2011, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester
                         [DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002320.pub2]

245. Kendrick, B. 2011 Fungi: Ecological Importance and Impact on Humans. (in) ELS 2011, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester
                        [DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0000369.pub2]

246. Kroeger, P, B Kendrick, O Ceska and C Roberts 2012  The Outer Spores: Mushrooms of Haida Gwaii.  Mycologue Publications, Sidney. 200 pp., 

Other Publications originating from my laboratory (total = 94):

1. Nag Raj, T.R. and K.M. Ponnappa 1970. Blight of waterhyacinth caused by Alternaria eichhorniae sp. nov. Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc. 55:123-130.

2. Nag Raj, T.R. and K.M. Ponnappa 1970. Some interesting fungi occurring on aquatic weeds and Striga spp. in India. J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 49: 64-72.

3. Nag Raj, T.R. and H.C. Govindu 1970. Fungi of Mysore IV. Sydowia 23:110-117.

4. Govindu, H.C., M.J. Thirumalachar and T.R. Nag Raj 1971. Notes on some Indian Cercosporae. XII. Sydowia 24: 297-301.

5. Morgan-Jones, G. 1971. Sciniatosporium Kalchbr., and its synonyms Marcosia Syd., Stigmina Sacc., Thyrostroma Höhnel, and Thyrostromella Syd., non Höhnel. Can. J. Bot. 49:993-1009.

6. Morgan-Jones, G. 1971. An addition to the genus Leptomelanconium. Can. J. Bot. 49:1011-1013.

7. Morgan-Jones, G. 1971. Notes on hyphomycetes. I. An addition to the genus Sporidesmium Link. Can. J. Bot. 49:1015-1016.

8. Morgan-Jones, G. 1971. New names in Entoloma. Can. J. Bot. 49:1052.

9. Morgan-Jones, G. 1971. A new species of Dinemasporium from Ontario. Can. J. Bot. 49:1363-1365.

10. Morgan-Jones, G. 1971. An addition to the genus Discogloeum Petrak. Can. J. Bot. 49:1461-1462.

11. Morgan-Jones, G. 1971. Notes on hyphomycetes. II. Additions to the genus Sciniatosporium Kalchbrenner. Can. J. Bot. 49:1683-1685.

12. Morgan-Jones, G. 1971. An addition to the genus Coryneum Nees ex Fr. Can. J. Bot. 49:1849-1850.

13. Morgan-Jones, G. 1971. Conidium ontogeny in coelomycetes. I. Some amerosporous species which possess annellides. Can. J. Bot. 49:1921-1929.

14. Morgan-Jones, G. 1971. Conidium ontogeny in coelomycetes. II. Some Melanconiales which possess phialides. Can. J. Bot. 49:1931-1937.

15. Morgan-Jones, G. 1971. Conidium ontogeny in coelomycetes. III. Meristem thalloconidia. Can. J. Bot. 49:1939-1940.

16. Morgan-Jones, G. 1972. A new species of Eupropolella Höhnel. Can. J. Bot. 50:1073-1076.

17. Morgan-Jones, G. 1972. A new species of Catenularia. Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc. 59:161-163.

18. Morgan-Jones, G. 1972. Studies on lichen asci. 2. Further examples of the bitunicate type. Lichenologist 5: 275-283.

19. Nag Raj, T.R. and G. Morgan-Jones 1972. Proposal for the conservation of the generic name Robillarda Saccardo (1882), (Fungi Imperfecti, Sphaeropsidales), against Robillarda Castagne (1845), (Fungi Imperfecti, Melanconiales). Taxon 21: 535-536.

20. Nag Raj, T.R., H.C. Govindu and M.J. Thirumalachar 1972. Some noteworthy rusts. IV. Sydowia 25:157-161

21. Morgan-Jones, G. 1973. Genera coelomycetum. VII. Cryptocline Petrak. Can. J. Bot. 51: 309-325.

22. Morgan-Jones, G. and M.H. Hashmi 1973. The conidial state of Xylaria johorensis. Can. J. Bot. 51:109-111.

23. Morgan-Jones, G. 1973. Endoascosporic cells in three pyrenocarpous lichen genera.Can. J. Bot. 51:493-495

24. Nag Raj, T.R. and G. Morgan-Jones 1973. Genera coelomycetum. VIII. Rhabdogloeopsis Petrak and Rhabdogloeum Sydow. Can. J. Bot. 51: 565-569.

25. Nag Raj, T.R. 1973. Genera coelomycetum. IX. Brycekendrickia gen. nov. and Vasudevella. Can. J. Bot. 51: 1337-1341.

26. Nag Raj, T.R. 1973. Pestalozzina uniseptata. Can. J. Bot. 51:1435-1437.

27. Hashmi, M.H. and G. Morgan-Jones 1973. Conidium ontogeny in hyphomycetes. The meristem arthrospores of Wallemia sebi. Can. J. Bot. 51: 1669-1671.

28. Hughes, S.J. and T.R. Nag Raj 1973. New Zealand fungi. 20. Fusichalara gen. nov. N.Z. J. Bot. 11:661-671.

29. Ponnappa, K.M. and T.R. Nag Raj 1973. Some interesting additions to the Indian mycoflora in lower plains of the Indian subcontinent. Beiheft zur Nova Hedwigia 47: 5pp.

30. Nag Raj, T.R. 1973. Genera coelomycetum. X. Ellisiella, Samukuta and Sakireeta. Can. J. Bot. 51:2463-2472.

31. Nag Raj, T.R. and S.J. Hughes 1974.New Zealand fungi. 21.Chalara (Cda.)Rabenh. N.Z. J. Bot. 12:115-129

32. Nag Raj, T.R. 1974. Icones generum coelomycetum. VI. Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 13: 41pp.

33. Morgan-Jones, G. 1974. Icones generum coelomycetum. VII. Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 14: 42pp.

34. Nag Raj, T.R. 1975. Genera coelomycetum. XI. Hyalotia, Hyalotiella and Hyalotiopsis. Can. J. Bot. 53: 1615-1624.

35. Nag Raj, T.R. 1975. Genera coelomycetum. XII. Tracyella and Amerodiscosiella. Can. J. Bot. 53: 2435-2442.

36. Nag Raj, T.R. 1976. Miscellaneous microfungi. I. Can. J. Bot. 54:1370-1376.

37. Nag Raj, T.R. 1977. Genera coelomycetum. XIII. Plectronidium gen. nov. Can. J. Bot. 55: 625-629.

38. Nag Raj, T.R. 1977. Miscellaneous microfungi. II. Can. J. Bot. 55: 757-765.

39. Nag Raj, T.R. 1977. Ypsilonia, Acanthotheciella and Kazulia gen. nov. Can. J. Bot. 55: 1599-1622.

40. Nag Raj, T.R. 1977. Icones generum coelomycetum. VIII. Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 16: 42pp.

41. Sutton, B.C. and F. DiCosmo 1977. A revision of Monochaetiella (Deuteromycotina). Can. J. Bot. 55: 2535-2543.

42. Nag Raj, T.R. 1978. Genera coelomycetum. XIV. Allelochaeta, Basilocula, Ceuthosira, Microgloeum, Pycnidiochaeta and Xenodomus. Can. J. Bot. 56: 687-707.

43. DiCosmo, F. 1978. A revision of Corniculariella. Can. J. Bot. 56:1665-1690.

44. Nag Raj, T.R. 1978. Genera coelomycetum. XVI. Fibulocoela form-gen. nov., a coelomycete with basidiomycetous affinities. Can. J. Bot. 56:1485-1491.

45. Nag Raj, T.R. and F.DiCosmo 1978. Icones generum coelomycetum. X. Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 19: 45pp.

46. Nag Raj, T.R. 1979. Genera coelomycetum. XVII. New anamorph genera:Libartania and Plectronidiopsis. Can. J. Bot. 57:1389-1397.

47. Nag Raj, T.R.and M. Morelet 1979 Observations on Mucosetospora (Coelomycetes)  Can J. Bot. 57:1295-1297.

48. Nag Raj, T.R. 1979. Some coelomycetous anamorphs and their teleomorphs. (in) "The Whole Fungus." vol. 1. (Ed.) W.B. Kendrick. Nat. Mus. Canada, Ottawa. pp.183-199.

49. Nag Raj, T.R. 1979. Miscellaneous microfungi. III. Can. J. Bot. 57: 2489-2496.

50. DiCosmo, F. 1979. Lasiostictis reassessed. Can. J. Bot. 57:1838-1840.

51. Nag Raj, T.R. and F. DiCosmo 1980. Icones generum coelomycetum. XI.Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 21: 42pp.

52. DiCosmo, F. 1980. Pocillopycnis, an emendation. Mycotaxon 10:288-292.

53. DiCosmo, F. and G.T. Cole 1980. Morphogenesis of conidiomata in Chaetomella acutiseta (Coelomycetes). Can. J. Bot. 58:1129-1137.

54. Nag Raj, T.R. 1980. Genera coelomycetum. XVIII. Ellula anamorph gen. nov., another coelomycete with basidiomycetous affinities. Can. J. Bot. 58:2007-2014.

55. Nag Raj, T.R. 1981. Coelomycete systematics. (in) "The Biology of Conidial Fungi." vol. 1. (Eds.) G.T. Cole and W.B. Kendrick. Academic Press, New York. pp.43-83.

56. Nag Raj, T.R. and F. DiCosmo 1981. Icones generum coelomycetum. XII Univ. Waterloo Biol.Ser. 22: 42pp.

57. Nag Raj, T.R. and F. DiCosmo 1981. "A monograph of Harknessia and Mastigosporella" .Bibliotheca Mycologica 80:109pp.

58. Nag Raj, T.R.1981.Genera coelomycetum XIX Discosiella, a lichenized mycobiont Can J Bot. 59:2519-2533.

59. Upadhyay, H.P. 1981. "A monograph of Ceratocystis and Ceratocystiopsis" Univ. of Georgia Press, Athens. 176pp.

60. Berch, S.M. 1982. Bactridium xathertum anam. sp. nov. from the West Indies. Mycotaxon 14: 227-232.

61. Nag Raj, T.R. and F. DiCosmo 1982. Icones generum coelomycetum. XIII.Univ.Waterloo Biol. Ser. 25:41pp.

62. Nag Raj, T.R. 1982. Genera coelomycetum. XX. Crucellisporiopsis anam.-gen nov., a discomycete. Can. J. Bot. 60: 2601-2607.

63. Nag Raj, T.R. 1983. Genera coelomycetum. XXI. Strasseria and two new anamorph genera: Apostrasseria and Nothostrasseria. Can. J. Bot. 61:1-30.

64. Nag Raj, T.R. 1983.Vermiculariopsiella Bender, an earlier name for Oramasia Urries. Mycotaxon 18:159-163

65. Nag Raj, T.R. 1984. Koorchaloma, Koorchalomella and Kananascus gen. nov. Mycotaxon 19:167-212.

66. Nag Raj, T.R. and F. DiCosmo 1984. Genera coelomycetum. XXII. Amphiciliella, Choanatiara anam.-gen. nov., Ciferriella, Collonaemella, Cymbothyrium, Melanostroma, Phialophorophoma and Thyrsidina. Can. J. Bot. 62:709-721.

67. Brubacher, D.C., G.S. Rawla and R. Sharma 1984. A new species of Crucellisporiopsis from India. Mycotaxon 21:449-458.

68. Nag Raj, T.R. 1985. Redisposals and redescriptions in the Monochaetia-Seiridium, Pestalotia-Pestalotiopsis complexes. I. The correct name for the type species of Pestalotiopsis. Mycotaxon 22: 43-51.

69. Nag Raj, T.R. 1985. Redisposals and redescriptions in the Monochaetia-Seiridium, Pestalotia-Pestalotiopsis complexes. II. Pestalotiopsis besseyi (Guba) comb. nov. and Pestalotiopsis varia sp. nov. Mycotaxon 22: 52-63.

70. Nag Raj, T.R. 1985. Redisposals and redescriptions in the Monochaetia-Seiridium, Pestalotia-Pestalotiopsis complexes. III. Monochaetia ilicina (Sacc.) comb. nov. Mycotaxon 22: 64-70

71. Nag Raj, T.R. 1985. Redisposals and redescriptions in the Monochaetia-Seiridium, Pestalotia-Pestalotiopsis complexes. IV. Monochaetia miersi. Mycotaxon 22: 71-75.

72. Nag Raj, T.R. 1986. Redisposals and redescriptions in the Monochaetia-Seiridium, Pestalotia-Pestalotiopsis complexes. V. Monochaetia albida and M. berberidicola. Mycotaxon 26:187-198.

73. Nag Raj, T.R. 1986. Redisposals and redescriptions in the Monochaetia-Seiridium, Pestalotia-Pestalotiopsis complexes. VI. Pestalotia decolorata and Pestalotia heteromorpha. Mycotaxon 26:199-210.

74. Nag Raj, T.R. 1986. Redisposals and redescriptions in the Monochaetia-Seiridium, Pestalotia-Pestalotiopsis complexes. VII. Pestalotia citrina, P. maura and Pestalotiopsis uvicola. Mycotaxon 26:211-222.

75. Nag Raj, T.R. 1986. Revised edn of Icones generum coelomycetum. II. Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 4:40pp.

76. Nag Raj, T.R. 1986. Revised edn of Icones generum coelomycetum. III.Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 5:42pp.

77. Nag Raj, T.R. 1986. Revised edn of Icones generum coelomycetum. IV. Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 6:42pp.

78. Nag Raj, T.R. 1986. Revised edn of Icones generum coelomycetum. V. Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 7:52pp.

79. Nag Raj, T.R. 1988. Genera coelomycetum. XXIV. Chithramia anam. gen. nov. Can. J. Bot. 66: 903-906.

80. Nag Raj,T.R.1988.Genera coelomycetum.XXV Zetesimomyces anamorph-gen. nov.Can.J Bot 66:2143-2148

81. Brundrett, M., D.E. Enstone and C.A. Peterson 1988. A berberine-aniline blue fluorescent staining procedure for suberin, lignin and callose in plant tissue. Protoplasma 146:133-142.

82. Nag Raj, T.R. 1988. Redisposals and redescriptions in the Monochaetia-Seiridium, Pestalotia-Pestalotiopsis complexes. VIII. On the status of Monochaetia camelliae, M. osyridella and Pestalotia gaurae. Mycotaxon 32:121-132.

83. Nag Raj, T.R. 1989.Redisposals and redescriptions in the Monochaetia-Seiridium, Pestalotia-Pestalotiopsis complexes. IX. On the status of Pestalotia eupyrena, Pestalotia gastrolobi and Pestalotia veneta. Mycotaxon 35:287-296.

84. Nag Raj, T.R. 1989. Genera Coelomycetum XXVI. Amarenographium, Callistospora, Hyalothyridium, Orphanocoela anam.-gen. nov., Scolecosporiella and Urohendersoniella. Can. J. Bot. 67:3169-3186

85. Nag Raj, T.R., V. Holubová-Jechová and R.F. Castañeda-Ruiz 1989. Genera Coelomycetum XXVII. Pycnovellomyces redescribed. Can. J. Bot. 67:3386-3390.

86. Nag Raj, T.R. and R.F. Castañeda-Ruiz 1989. Dinemasporium lanatum anam.-sp. nov. from Cuba. 16Can. J. Bot. 67:2527-2529.

87. Nag Raj. T.R. and V. Mel'nik. 1990. Seimatosporium rossicum anam.-sp. nov. Can. J. Bot. 68:1830-1832.

88. Nag Raj, T.R. 1991. Updates on some species of Discosia. Can. J. Bot. 69:1246-1250.

89. Nag Raj, T.R. 1993. "Coelomycetous Anamorphs with Appendage-Bearing Conidia"  Mycologue Publications, Waterloo. 1,104 pp.

90. P.W. Crous, M.J. Wingfield and T.R. Nag Raj. 1993. Harknessia species occurring in South Africa. Mycologia 85:108-118.

91. Nag Raj, T.R. 1994. Discosia eucalypticola anam.-sp. nov. Mycotaxon 50:349-354.

92. Nag Raj, T.R. and V. Mel'nik. 1994. Redisposals and redescriptions in the Monochaetia-Seiridium-Pestalotia-Pestalotiopsis complexes. X. Pestalotia granati and Pestalozzina punicae. Mycotaxon 50:435-440.

93. Nag Raj, T.R. 1995. What is Myrothecium prestonii? Mycotaxon 53: 295-310.

94. Nag Raj, T.R. 1995. Lomachashaka revisited. Mycotaxon 53: 311-324.